Mittwoch, 24. September 2008

--- Edmond Anthony schrieb am Sa, 30.8.2008:

Von: Edmond Anthony
Datum: Samstag, 30. August 2008, 10:28

How are you doing today? I know this letter will come to you as a
surprise,but i want you to pay attention to what i am about telling you. I
am about giving you this secrete because i beleive you can treat it as
confidential.I am a banker base in the UK. I was involve in a deal right
here in the bank which amount to $20,600,000.This fund belong to a
customer who was eliminated by some unknown gun men.An investigation was
carried out from my bank and we could not locate any of his relations. He
did not even decleared any next of kin.The bank was about turning the fund
into the bank treasury.You know what that means.It is on this note that i
carefully moved out the fund package it into a luggage and deposit it with
a private courier company. Right now there is an investigation going on in
my bank as to the where about of the fund.You know i cannot live the bank
like that otherwise they will know that i am the one who moved the fund
out from the bank.I do not want them to suspect me.So i want you to help
me claim this luggage from the courier company and keep it under your
costudy.After this investigation is over i shall come to join you and
share the fund.Please i hope i can count on you and can also trust you.I
beg you please please do not let me down.Do not be greedy when the fund
gets to your costudy. I beg you in the name of God. Also keep this highly
confidential.If you can help me then send to me your full names, your full
address and your telephone number so that we can talk better and we can
also discuss the %.
Waiting for your urgent reply.
Edmond Anthony

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