Freitag, 28. März 2008


Dieses ist eine mail, gerichtet an den lybischen Präsidenten Gaddhafi:

For the case that I would be killed please could you take responsibility
for the life of my sisters Ute, Gudrun, Johannes and the son of my sister
Fayalah Stein. Consiglieri of the Camorra - in cooperationship with
secret services of germany and german police - let kill our mother with
poison by doctors in the Helios-Hospital in Siegburg. CIA involved.
Involved also: Old political Kohl, Zimmermann and also Genscher.

My mother was killed by german fashists at 17th march 2006. Since that
time camorra-consiglieri are "occupating" our house and they are going
into the houses of my sisters Ute and Gudrun. The son of my sister also
in danger of life. As I think that the names Lutz Libbertz and Noerr,
Stiefenhofer also as the name of the Camorra-consigliere Antonio Campenlla
aren`t strange for you I beg you to let play your connections internationals
to help all my sisters and the son of my sister in danger of life. For the
case that I should be killed please take the rest of my familiy in your
protection. German goverment also as leaderships in secret services and
german police in duty of camorra-consiglieri will try to do allthing to
let kill them with poison as testigos (Zeugen).

The reason of my cry for help to the lybien president: I read all articles
of Rudolf Augstein about you. And I have to acknowledge that the usual
mentality of german fashists also include RUFMORD. I think you fight against
Weltmächte, where life of human being isn`t important. You fight against
the RIESE GOLIATH. But as Rudolf Augstein always has written all your
politic was made in the sense for human being.

In this sentance I send my cry to you. In danger of life of my sisters, my
brother and also of my son of my sistern. Please give instruction to help
them all. Make them free by prison of consiglieri...since 14 years. Cruel
Mafia-acitivities. Given in order by Kohl, Zimmermann and also Genscher.

In this sentance
Carina Stein

PS: For the dark power who also want to kill my partner by poison.Let up
from killing a very very sick old man. Axel Sch. needs help. Serious help.
And I think there must be a posiblility to arrange help by woman who
can live as his partner till the end of his life. My partner Axel Sch. is
divorced.And if you have a good woman who wants to help him for the rest
of his life I would be glad. My partner was eight years in prison.And he
also has the right to live in freedem. What for the time isn't possible
because german fashists in the hamburger staatsschutz are using women
as killer to distroy brains. To bring german men distroyed by drugs in
psychiatries to bavaria. Therefore: Where is a really good woman for my
partner - to help serious. Not as drug-dealer?! Thank you.

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