In der mail from the vice-president Margaret Ferguson wird mir mitgeteilt,
ich solle mit Peter Raymond Kontakt aufnehmen über ALLE VERSUCHE DER KONTAKTAUFNAHME landet bei Deshalb,
was hat es mit den mails und lotteries und spams auf sich? Siehe oben.
Datum: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 22:51:54 +0100 (CET)
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Betreff: Pre-requisite to funds transfer
An: "Meier katharina"
Pre-requisite to funds transfer
Dear Anna Maria Carina Stein,
Thank you for your response to our email. This reply confirms safe receipt of your details.
With allusion to our last email message to you, we are pleased to inform you that the verification process on your payment file has been successfully concluded and be informed that it has been given the all clear. Find below the findings and the pre-requisite needed to facilitate the immediate transfer of your funds by the mode indicated in your winning verification form t11.
1) Verification on your payment file ascertained you as a winner of Powerball Euro E-Mail International promo.
2) That you are to settle the non-deductible notarization fee of £1000 needed to ascertain the legality of your winning in court of competent jurisdiction. This has become imperative as the finance service authority which is the fiscal structure of the United Kingdom has made it mandatory that all winners of powerball e-mail lottery must notarize their winnings in a court here in London to garner a conjoined anti drug/terrorist/money laundering certificate. To this end winner are required to pay the below mentioned fees which will certify their winnings in a court of competent jurisdiction here in the united kingdom and subsequently ensure that approval for funds release is granted by the finance service authority.
a) Anti Terrorist Certificate: £550
b) Anti Drug Certificate: £300
c) Court clearance fee: £150
Upon receipt of your payment details, your winning file will be conveyed to the court for notarization upon which you will be issued anti drug/terrorist certificates. These certificates will then be forwarded to the finance service authority to grant approval for your funds release.
3) That on receipt of the charges paid by you, that the transfer of your winning would be activated which will take three working days to arrive at your nominated bank account from the date of receipt of your notarization charges. You are therefore advised to adhere to the recommendation of the verification committee to necessitate the immediate procurement of your winning.
Be informed that the deduction of the notarization fee from your winning is unattainable as your due funds in our care was received in a bonded nature from the sending authority and as such cannot be deducted from or transacted upon at this time. This bond was placed on your due funds and the insurance policy was for its added security and for the safety of your due funds during your funds transfer process ensuring that it could only be transacted upon once fully confirmed in your local bank account.
The transfer of large sums of money without back up documentation and presentation creates a red flag with government authority's world over; hence in other to act in the best interest of the winners of our lottery promo it has become imperative that all winners notarize their winning in a court of competent jurisdiction. Please be informed that Powerball international reserves the right to decline payment/transfer of your winning if irregularities occur.
You are to issue the payment to our fiduciary agent/receiving officer via
Western union money transfer:
Kindly send details of your payment as soon as possible.
Best wishes
Claim officer.
TELEPHONE:+4470 3194 2847
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