Carina Stein, Rentzelstrasse 11, 20146 Hamburg
see fotomontage with the adress of the advocate Lutz Libbertz, Maximilienastraße 27, Munic. Centre of business affairs with guns etc. with connections to CIA (Iran-Contra) into secret services of Damaskus, Teheran, Indonesia - as also in circles of leaderships between Ex-DDR, Prag, Bratislava until Moskau. Connections into leaderships of the geoverment, prepresented by the Kanzleramtsminister Dr. Thomas de Maiziere as also Staatssekretäre in the ministerium of interior and the cief of the police in the BMI, Günter Krause. The president of BND - Ernst Uhrlau - also as the presidents of BfV and LfV seem to be in duty of the advocate Lutz Libbertz. His partners: Consiglieri of the italian Mafia-organisation Camorra. Also "right hands" of the ex-minister Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann as also concerning Kohl, Genscher and a lot of leaderships in circles of german parteien (CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Grüne and Linke.) Connections in circls of fantatic rights (NPD and old Nazis) to the right extremist Zündel. Also connections in circle of El Kaida. It seems that El Kaida would be eductated by Stasi...education of a terrormaschinerie in order of Islam-Terrorregime for Re-Investation of Backschisch over the drug market. Lutz Libbertz and his friends from the italien mafia are financiating TODESSCHWADRONEN in circles of secret services of germany (BND and BfV) as also german police with Mafia-Hits. Consiglieri who are going in the familys to let kill people by drugs. And after they had killed they take all the Vermögen of real german people. Murders who are killing in order of secret services of the Iran, Syrien, and also El Kaida. Protected by operations of german police. Polnish- and Russiamafia in the offices of Libbertz and www.noerr.de permanent occupied with organisation of Giftmorde (and german probably cooperating) Libbertz and his friend Antonio Campanella involved in the greatest series of organised crime and killing operation... more than 30 Mafia-Hits...all my personal friends, old woman too. CIA (Iran-Contra) in cooperationship with secret services of germany (BND and BfV) in duty of the goverments between Syrien and Iran let also kill our 83years old mother in a hospital. Old Chancelor Dr. Helmut Kohl involved. He let also kill my friends of circles of writers - namely Rolf Engel, Bauer-Verlag, Norbert Güttes, author of more than 400 crimes and various books ("Lettische Märchen", "Kneipenlyrik). Also victimes of Stasi killed by consiglieri in cooperation with leaderships in the goverment (involved probably dr Maiziere) and ministerium of interior. Since the assasinate of our mother three sisters and the son of my sister in danger of life. German govermant and leaderships in the BND (Uhrlau), BfV (Fromm and Remberg) and chief of the police Krause involved. They also gave order to let kill my partner by a woman who is operating as a killer in Hamburg. In cooperation with the consiglieri of the Camorra. Kohl and www.noerr.de involved. We need help from the exterior. Urgently. Kohl and german fashists gave order to let kill my brother as also my sister Ute Stein, Markusstraße 7, Bonn and Gudrun Stein, Venloer Straße 14, Köln. Also in danger of live the son of my sister, Fayalah. Consiglieri and killers kidnapped my brother Johannes when he was 30 years. Now he is 43. Nearly forty years in prison of consiglieri. Landrat Kühn and german police involved. German Staatsschutz - a criminal organisation like the Schutzpolizei at Nazi-time? Police who are going in houses, hunting german people through the streets - into psychiatries or deathe. The foto you see above shows a lot of persons which were killed by mafia. Libbertz and Antonio Campanella as the advocates Noerr, Stiefenhofer, Lutz may give answer all about names of Dealer, Profi-Killers in duty of CIA and FSB. Kidnapping-operation by asian mafia and polnish mafia under protection of german police. In order of fanatic islamists - and also in cooperationship with El Kaida. The chief of finance of bin Laden was outed in September 1995 in Munic, than he went to Hamburg. Connections into the verfassungsschutz as also in the Staatsschutz. Insider-Infos ca give: Michael Daleki, vice-president of the police of hamburg and Mister Kreuzer and Mister Barysch vom Staatsschutz. Now they are involved to let kill my partner by consiglieri and a woman as killer from Polen. Insider-Infos about connections between italian, polish mafia in duty of El Kaida can give: Margareta Zulj, Kohlhöfen 2, 22355 HH-Neustadt. Probably with new identity - given by Stasi in the secret services. Police in Hamburg you can reach under phone-Number: 040/428 65 0. Answer about a cruel crime at my familiy - in duty of Kohl, Zimmermann as partner of Libbertz and Campanella can give the Staatssekretäre Peter Altmeier (01888 681 1057), dres. August Hanning (01888 681 1115) and Christoph Bergner (01888 - 681 1062). Due to information the old chancelor kohl and his partners www.noerr.de, libbertz gave order to let kill my whole family by drugs.
All my information are basing in kowledge of Ermittlungsakten of the Abt. "P", BMI between the end of 1986 and march 1988 and ARGE Recht, CDU/CSU-Innenausschuss between August 1995 and September 1998. A special troup of FBI in Munic as also a special troup of Anti-Mafia-Ermittler between september 1995 and later in germany - recommanded by Dr. Friedrich Voss, Ex-Referent of the bavarian political Franz Josef Strauss and Ex-parlamentarischer Staatssekretär in BMF. The couple Marianne Strauss as also her husband Franz Josef should be killed by mafia. Libbertz involved. Du to info he has the 8mm-Schmalfilm about the death of Barschel. Due to infos Kohl gave insider-infos of the refugee of Barschel to the minister of interior, Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann..and due to infos he informed Libbertz, Campanella...from there connections to CIA. It will mean: my sisters as the son of my sister as also my partner in danger of life because the murders of the couple Strauss and Barschel want my life. All about a killing operation of CIA in Malaga see "TONIO IN DUTY OF CIA AND THE MURDERS OF BARSCHEL UNDER THE PROTECTION OF GUARDIA CIVIL AND POLICIA NACIONAL - IN ORDER OF CHANCELOR KOHL AND KINKEL AND PROBABLY GENSCHER TRIED TO LET KILL ME BY PROFI-KILLERS OF CIA IN MALAGA BETWEEN 21st AND 04th OF JUNE 1993."
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