Mafia-Hits given in order by secret services of syrien, Iran, Indonesie as also Ex-KGB and FSB...they are the representantes of terror in germany. Connections in circles of rights - probably also to the CIA (Iran-Contra) and right extremists in circles of NPD with connections to the right extremist Zündel in Canada. CIA who created BAD DOGS in Germany like Pinochet in Chile or Ali Fallahian in Iran. A very close connection between Ali Fallahian in the office of the ex-minister Zimmerman as also in the office of the parlamentarier Dr. Bernd Schmidbauer. Responsable also for selling
guns, 46 percent Krupp-Anteile and plutonium to the iran. But german justice seems to cooperate...protact advocats who are a case for the COURT OF DEN HAAG! Wegen VERBRECHEN GEGEN DIE MENSCHLICHKEIT - ENTSPRECHEND DER KONVENTION ÜBER VERHÜTUNG UND BESTRAFUNG VON VÖLKERMORD! They let kill german people seemly for money - so as the nazis did. A very cruel system of killer-machine.
Who please informs the International Court in Den Haag?
More than 30 victims - friend killed by mafia under the instructions of advocates as mentioned above. The whole geoverment seems to be involved. And no publication in german press - because it seems that the dominate also newspaper - their leader in the past critized the goverment. Therefore now trying to push Stefan Aust. And a lot of journalists who are involved in a serie of Mafia-Hits. Namely: Dr. Thomas Darnstädt and Mitarbeiter KG (and partners by G&J as Springer) Will mean: it doesn`t exist a free press in Germany. Carina Stein
Dres. Rudolf Noerr and Alfred
Stiefenhofer are looking very serious. In reality they work together with consiglieri of the
italian mafia and advocates of circle organized crime - they use persons of the exterior, declamed as "Asylbewerber", and let occupy houses by international mafia-gangs to let kill german people by chemicals. Since 1982 officialy. More than thousands people killed in West-Germany. NVA and polish like russian mafia involved. Probably involved also by trying to push Stefan Aust as Chefredakteur of the SPIEGEL. Kohl and the govermanet involved. (Also leaderships in circles of secret services and german police involved). The advocat Rudolf Noerr is the direct prepaesentante of the ex-minister of interior, also calles "Old Schwurhand". Let kill german people by drugs since 1982. An old nazi created by right circles of CIA (Iran-Contra). Connections into circles of fanatic islamists as also cruel communistes - I just wrote about it. The name of the secretary of Dr. Noerr is Elisabeth Schmid. She knows all about the business of Antonio Campanella and Lutz Libbertz - and in this sentence also about killing-operations in germany. She knows also all about the assasinate at my mother. Now the advocates are intensivly working to push Stefan Aust as Chefredakteur of the SPIEGEL. Stasi and FSB involved - as partner from CSt
Noerr the direct praesentante of the old nazi Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann, called "Old Schwurhand". Stiefenhofer very close with Antonio
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