Carina Stein, Hamburg
german journalists are always writing about hurting of human rights through fanatic rights. The truth: behind of right extremist there you can find a very dangerous undergrouns connection between fanatic rights and fanatic islamists and cruel communists. they are using asylants by giving the order to let kill them with injections. Money of german people killed by drug mafia invested - probably in vestigation of planing a criminal putsch by cruel communists. they are going in houses and killing our friends as also mothers of children which could be won by camorra-consiglieri and criminal advocats as drug consuments. that what`s going on in germany - that is clear a very grave hurting of human rights - psycho-folter. Drug consuments may not have any social contacts. they may live in their houses and rooms, waiting for the death. and mothers are seperated through very cruel camorra-consiglieri. mafia-hits, buyed in the ofices of old politicals, protected by leaderships of the justice. Example: when ever the Bundesanwalt Walter Hemberger came to hamburg as represented of the generalbundesanwaltschaft in leading the process against El Kaida I gave him petitions...names of dear friends in danger of life by cruel communists. As now I found out, the post I give him seemed to bee transfered to the office of the old chancelor kohl and from their in the offices of de maiziere, uhrlau and krause. The resultion: systematicly killing from persons in danger of life. That is - indead - NAZI-DEUTSCHLAND! Names of all my friends killed under the direction of polen- and russenmafia in cooperation with fanatic rights and fanatic islamists you will find in my open letter to the minister schäuble. the opening of the frontieres to polen will bring new problems. because police in germany let kidnap german guys and also women - to bring them in psychiatries - and also in prisons to plen and rumänien. In this sentance I will mention the name of the minister of exterior of the past - Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann. He and probably hundreds of advocates involved in the greates mafia-affairs since hitler. probably more then 20.000 people killed - but probably it could be that also 100.000 german people killed. In order of fanatic islamists - fanatic rights and members of the polenmafia involved. ´They same criminal fanatic circles who now want to let destroy my sisters as also the son of my sisters. A lot of friends in danger of life. Therefore see also in my open letter to minister Schäuble - which will follow. Understandable that the minister or interior till now get divorced to leadership in circles of secret services and german police - who till now are protecting the criminal mafia-organisation of the, means Drogenmafia. Stein
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