would you kindley give order to cia-agents to LET UP from the plan to let kill three sisters and the son of my sisters by camorra-consiglieri and their dealer and criminals - high protected until in leadership of secret services and german police.
And please give instructions that criminal affairs of CIA-agents must be stopped - immediately.
Reason also: I am a winner of the "World Largest Promotion". And all my trying to get into contact with the responsable of 02Xmax Orinituibs 2007 cut by cia-agents and their helper in circles of camorra-consiglieri and ov (see also www.noerr.de). A am a winner of "420.000 GBP"
- announced by AJACKSON1@AMERICHTECH.NET. You can let proove it. But CIA-agents probably took influence and gave order that nobody may give me the price I have won.
Serial Number 0098565, Batch number: 45/56, Winner Number 52=52 plus.
This money I need urgently - also to save life of my sisters and the son of my sister. Since 14 years in prison of mafia - as due to a mafia-operation by CIA in Malaga. In order of the murders of the politicals Marianne and Franz Josef Strauss and Barschel. Your agents can give you an answer. CIA agents who let kill our mother. And leaderships in circles of secret services and german police which now probably gave order to let kill my whole family.
I want a clear possibility to transfer my mails like it would be in a country of democracy.
And perhahps you can talk with the president W. Bush if he cannot find a solution to save the german people by criminals in leadership of the goverment - names you can find in my texts below. I want to have the price I have won. And probably it could be that cia-agents in cooperationships with cruel OSSIS in leadership of goverment etc. want to stole the mony. As they are stolen all my books, my private things....STAATSTERRORISTEN as Ali Fallahian in the Iran! Educated by CIA. Carina Stein
PS: Also see www.noerr.de - there you can find the connections between CIA and FSB and fanatic rights and fanatic islamists and NVA and El Kaida....CIA in Germany involved in Mafia-activities of El Kaida! Represented by the Kanzleramtsminister as also by BND-president and also Mister Günter Krause, chief of the police in the ministery of interior.
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